What We Do

At Neuroinclusion Hub, we provide a wide array of neurodivergent developed and operated consulting services that empower organizations to embrace neurodiversity from education and awareness programs to hands-on guidance in implementing successful hiring initiatives. We advocate for sustainable wages, benefits, and fulfilling careers for neurodivergent individuals, creating inclusive workplaces that thrive on acceptance and support.

We utilize the very neurodivergent unique perspectives and skills that bring organizations a competitive edge to help your company harness neurodivergent value in a psychologically safe environment for all neuro-types.

What We Believe

To put it simply, we embody the phrase “Nothing About Us, Without Us” in achieving equal opportunity for all.

Neurodiversity is a competitive advantage in today’s corporate landscape, and just that drives our mission. At Neuroinclusion Hub, we are committed to challenging stereotypes and biases, reshaping the narrative around neurodiversity, and championing a future where differences are celebrated and leveraged for success.